Well I went to Dr. Swanson's office on Monday (of last week)...Sorry this post took a while to get up.
I was kind of feeling like the appointment went bad initially and typically don't like writing about the bad stuff. I think I have since changed my mind, but here it is:
Lou went with me to have my ovaries scanned for eggs on Monday (the 28th). We saw Jane. We got right down to business and before I knew it we were looking at the ultrasound on the screen. We saw 3 follicle on the right side and a few (really small) polycystic type follies on the left.
Jane did say the right side was dfinitely my dominant ovary this cycle and that pregnancy would most likely not be the outcome this month. That made me sad. She asked if I had talked to Dr. Swanson about our "next step." I told her we had, but that we were not ready for IVF just yet. She said that she is not giving up and we will try again next cycle.
If the ovaries alternate the way they should from cycle to cycle then next cycle could be all about the left. She told me that I could test for ovulation still and it really wouldn't hurt to have intercourse (sorry if that is TMI for anyone,but it's how we make a baby...right?). She did mention that we couldn't see all of the left ovary with the scan, but from what we could see it didn't appear to have any real ovulatory activity. And then she said....(Here's the answer to my question)...that there is a "less than 5% chance" that the follicle on the right side could get picked up by the left tube. I made her repeat it and Lou heard.
Once I heard this my brain went like this:
3 Follicles x 3-4% chance of making it to the left tube and implanting in my uterus = 9-12% chance of getting pregnant this month.
That's more than we had on the Clomid (according to Dr. Synn we had about 8% chance of conceiving with the Clomid).
Now I don't know if the math is right...I didn't want to ask, but after a few days of mulling it over I was sure going to be test for ovulation.
So I got some dip stick ovulation tests...I really like them too by the way...and started peeing in a cup a couple times a day for the next few days. About three days into my testing I started experiencing a lot of pain on the right side (probably because 3 follicles at about 20mm each make up a small cyst size). I stuck it out. I still hadn't surged by New Years and I was starting to get really discouraged. I think I even had another (mini) melt-down.
Anyway, I think on the 2nd I got my surge! One thing Jane did mention is that all 3 follicles may not release at the same time or at all...So this surge could have been 1 or 2 or 3 or more for all I know. However, I have not stopped surging. There is no doubt in my mind that these are definitely +++++positive tests. I called Jane today and actually talkd to Barbara and she said that I could be surging with each release and they may be a day apart. So guess what?...I'll spare you the details...but we have been "trying" everyday almost and I am crossing my fingers and my toes that just one of those follies can make it into the left tube.
The pain in mostly gone on the right side so I know for sure 1 or 2 have released. If we have a negative pregnancy test at the end of this cycle at least we can't say we didn't try. We'll be testing in 10 days to 2 weeks.
I definitely like the way the Femara worked. I never had more than one follicle when I took Clomid. Now lets just get them over to that left side...
I HATE the 2 week wait. I don't like it for you anymore than I like it for me! Has it been 10 days yet?!