Sunday, January 24, 2010


I started my period last week.  I had tested for pregnancy for about 4-5 days leading up to my period starting.  I was just sure that our possibility was high...even after Jane said, "Pregnancy is most likely not going to be the outcome this month." I don't know why I talk things up so much in my head sometimes, but that's just what I do. 

Well, I started my period last week and I called Dr. Swasnson's office right away. I got Heather on the first try and she booked me for that afternoon.  I went in for my baseline scan.  Basically they just wanted to make sure that all of those follicles were gone and none of them turned into cysts. We got lucky...they were all gone and we were given the green light to start Femara again this cycle.  I started Femara on Thursday last week and have two more doses to take. 

I feel a little more moody this cycle for some reason.  I don't think I usually get really moody/PMS-y around my period, but I feel a little bit that way this time.  I don't know why.  I have sufferred a headache for the last two days now.  I can't really seem to get rid of it totally.  I don't know if that is a side effect of the medication or just something else going on (maybe sinus related).

I go back to Dr. Swanson for an ultrasound on February 1st to see if/how many follicles I have and what side they are on.  I am fairly confidant the outcome will be the same as last month...although I am hoping for the left side to get it's turn this month.

We'll see...

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